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Omron PLC Error Codes

Omron PLC error codes and description of error codes.

Error code
Error code
00x0No Error
10x1Not executable in RUN mode
110xbFCS Error (checksum)
120xcFormat error (parameter length error)
130xdEntry number data error
140xeInstruction not found
150xfUnknown Error Code
160x10Frame length error
170x11Not executable
180x12I/O table generation impossible
190x13Incomplete response to WRITE
20x2Not executable in MONITOR mode
200x14Bad serial port parameters
210x15Serial port already used
230x17No response from PLC (timed out)
240x18Wrong PLC station address responded
250x19TYPE parameter out-of-range
260x1aGarbled/Incomplete message
270x1bAborted due to parity error in transmit data
280x1cAborted due to framing error in transmit data
290x1dAborted due to overrun in transmit data
30x3Not executable with PROM mounted
310x1fAborted due to format error in transmit data
320x20Aborted due to entry number data error in transmit data
330x21Aborted due to frame length error in transmit data
340x22Not executable because the program area is not 16K
40x4Address over (data overflow)
490x31Connection Attempt Failed
50x5Not executable in PROGRAM mode
70x7Not executable in LOCAL mode
80x8Parity Error
90x9Framing Error