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PLC Controller Firmware Upgrade

When you buy the plc CPU for the first time, you need to upgrade to the appropriate version for your program. If your program is written with version 30, you need to upgrade your CPU to version 30. CPUs come as ...

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Connect to PLC via USB cable

If the controller (usually 1756-L7x ControlLogix and over ) has a USB port that uses a Type B receptacle. The port is USB2.0 compatible and runs at 12 Mbps. to use the USB port of the controller, you must have ...

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PLC First Scan Bit

What is First Scan Bit and How to create a tag? This bit is activated every time the PLC switches to run mode, as the name suggests, the first scan bit. You don't need to create any tags for the first ...

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How to get data from plc to excel

How to communicate with PLC via Excel? In order to get data from PLC with Excel, we need to use OPC. If you are using Rockwell Allen-Bradley plc, no other tool is required for OPC because we can transfer data from ...

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PLC Function Blog Diagram (FBD)

Function Blog Diagram, whose short name is FBD, is not a highly preferred type of PLC programming language, but it allows us to do even the longest operations in a short way in most places and is easy to interpret.Although ...

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FTView SE and Factorytalk Site Client Edition

In HMI applications you create with Factorytalk site edition, the network-based distributed application; You can access the application you created using the factory talk client edition program from another computer. The only thing to note is that the client and the server ...

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Importing an Add-On Instruction Definition

Importing an Add-On Instruction Definition Perform this procedure when you want to use the definition for an Add-On Instruction that was exported from another Logix Designer application project. Once the project has the definition, you can use the instruction in your ...

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Safety Add-On Instructions

Safety Add-On Instructions Like standard Add-On Instructions, safety Add-On Instructions let you encapsulate commonly-used safety logic into a single instruction, making it modular and easier to reuse. In addition to the instruction signature used for high-integrity Add-On Instructions, safety Add-On Instructions ...

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